The Red Hand of Injustice. It was stencilled onto a wall at Alcatraz during the little remembered occupation of the Island by Native Americans in 1969. Learn about it here: Alcatraz is not an Island.

It also brings to mind a childhood “game” that was played in Scotland when I was a child. It went something like this

Child 1: Do you want to join The Red Hand Gang?

Child 2: Is that a good gang?

Child 1: It’s the best gang.

Child 2: How do I join?

Child 1: It’s easy.

Child 2: Okay then.

(Child 1 and any other assorted children then proceed to slap Child 2 until he is covered in red hand marks.)

I write child but, as memory serves me, it was a gang that was exclusively male in it’s membership. Scotland. Great days.

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